Our Policy

Ministering to children through the programs of Cornerstone Baptist Church is a “sacred trust” given to our church by God and by the parents of each child.  God has a VERY HIGH standard of accountability for those who are in a position of trust or authority over children because children are among the most vulnerable of His creatures, and He has a special love and watch-care for them (See Mat.18:1-14).   In light of this, children’s workers must complete a “Children’s Ministry Application” providing references and  permission for a background check.  Children’s workers must also view a training video on preventing child sexual abuse and complete the related exam. The links below have all the information needed to apply to serve in our youth and children’s ministries.

Children’s Workers Standard of Conduct

Click the link below to read and print page:

View Child Protection Video

Click the link below:

Child Protection Exam

Click the link below to read and print exam:

Children’s Ministry Application

Click the link below to read and print application:
Child Quote
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